Festival Reviews

Negu Hurbilak

Negu Hurbilak

At the end of the Basque armed conflict, a young woman waits to flee across the border in ‘Negu Hurbilak’, an atmospheric and rigorously shot but mystifying tale that leaves too much to the viewer’s imagination.



Uncompromising Turkish low-budget auteur Zeki Demirkubuz ruminates on toxic masculinity, ingrained sexism and existential despair in his ponderous but sporadically absorbing drama ‘Life’.



Mysterious personal dramas unfold off-stage when a modern dance company has a bus break-down traveling to Marrakech in Tunisian codirectors Afef Ben Mahmoud and Khalil Benkirane’s intelligently avant-garde on-the-road drama, ‘Backstage’.

Negu Hurbilak

Negu Hurbilak

At the end of the Basque armed conflict, a young woman waits to flee across the border in ‘Negu Hurbilak’, an atmospheric and rigorously shot but mystifying tale that leaves too much to the viewer’s imagination.



Uncompromising Turkish low-budget auteur Zeki Demirkubuz ruminates on toxic masculinity, ingrained sexism and existential despair in his ponderous but sporadically absorbing drama ‘Life’.

Awards Corner

Mediterrane 2024

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